Terms & Conditions
Here's a summary of the key points all investors should be aware of. These are for quick reference only and you should ensure you read the full Terms & Conditions before proceeding.
- This Agreement sets out the key terms and conditions of the service and which parties are responsible for delivering which aspect.
- This is an ‘execution-only’ service, which means that we do not provide financial advice. Under this Agreement, you are responsible for choosing your investment product, risk and style of investing and the decision to invest is yours. No initial or ongoing review of suitability will be undertaken as part of the Agreement.
- All investors will be subject to anti-money laundering checks at outset and periodically during the course of our relationship; checks will include proof of identity, address and bank details, and will be conducted via electronic means. We reserve the right to decline applications at our complete discretion.
- We will typically invest your funds within seven (7) Business Days from when they are received by us.
- The value of your investment can fall as well as rise, and you could get back less than you invested; the tax treatment of investments will depend on your personal circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.
- Please download and read this Agreement in full before proceeding; if you have any questions please get in touch by phone, or send us an email.