Stocks & Shares ISA

With investing, your capital is at risk.

What is an ISA?

An Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a way to save money that is tax-free.  There’s an annual limit, which is currently £20,000 and you can withdraw your money at any time should you need it. You can only have one stocks and shares ISA in any tax year.

But the good news is, you can open a new account every year. What’s not to like?

There are different types of ISA and you must make sure that you do not exceed
the annual limit.

Annual allowance

You can invest a minimum of £100 per month or a minimum lump sum of £1,000 - or both - it's up to you!

What is the Investment Champion ISA?

As the name suggests, the Investment Champion ISA is a Stocks & Shares ISA. 

Generally speaking, the longer you can invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA, the more likely it is to grow more than a Cash ISA, however it is not without risk.

Remember, your annual ISA allowance is based on the tax year (April 6th - April 5th), and if you don’t use your full allowance one year, you will lose it, as annual allowances don’t roll over.

Your investment style

Investing in the future of the planet or investing in more traditional funds, it’s your choice.



Investing the more traditional way. We have created an original range of portfolios made up of well-known providers designed to grow your money.

Because the future of your money matters.

Create my traditional plan


Investing that has a positive impact on society. We have created a range of portfolios that only invest in companies that are socially responsible and treat people and the environment with respect.

Because the future of our planet matters.

Create my sustainable plan

Your investment choice

Choose a style of investment to suit your needs. You may want to consider how long you plan to invest for and how much you would like your money to grow. It is also important to understand what movement in value you may or may not be happy with and any potential losses that may happen.

Risk level


Very cautious

Minimising loss is the priority. You are only prepared to take very little risk to make cash returns. You accept that your investment will lose value due to inflation. To see the best available cash savings rates click here. 



Limiting loss is important but you are prepared to take some risk to match or beat cash returns. Relatively small movements up and down in value are acceptable. Losses may occur.



Limiting loss is less important to you than making gains and you are prepared to take a moderate amount of risk to achieve growth above cash returns. Frequent movements up and down in value are acceptable. These fluctuations may be significant and relatively large losses may occur.



Making gains is more important to you than limiting loss and you are prepared to take a moderately high amount of risk to achieve higher growth. Frequent movements up and down in value are acceptable. These fluctuations will be significant and sizeable losses may occur.



Making significant gains is a priority and you are prepared to take a high level of risk. Frequent movements up and down in value are acceptable. These fluctuations will be significant and substantial losses may occur.



Maximising returns is the priority.  The risk of substantial losses and substantial movements up and down in value are acceptable, with the aim of achieving the highest growth possible. Speaking to TPO may be more appropriate for your needs.

Your top 3 FAQs

Can I transfer my existing ISA?

Yes. You can transfer your existing Cash and/or Stocks & Shares ISA held with other providers into our ISA. When you apply, you will have the opportunity to instruct us to transfer your account. Upon this instruction, we will request for your existing holdings to be sold and the proceeds of the sale transferred as cash. The cash will then be invested into your choice of portfolio(s). There is no loss of tax benefits when doing this but you will not have access to your Investment Champion ISA until the transfer is complete. Investment Champion does not charge you for transferring your ISA across however your existing plan manager may apply exit charges.

What's the difference between Sustainable and Traditional portfolios?

Sustainable portfolios are made up of funds that adhere to Environmental, Social and good Corporate Governance (ESG) principles whilst Traditional portfolios can include all fund types. 

Is my money safe?

Investment Champion uses a range of fund providers and your money is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to £85,000 per provider.