Market update

Lonely boat sport sailing on the lake

Market Horizon: Smooth Sailing or Rough Waters?

Sep 16, 2024
In last month’s Investment Market Update we spoke about the market volatility seen in early August. Since then, global equity markets have broadly recovered, although worries remain over both the health of the US labour market going forward and the ability of the largest technology companies to deliver on the promised profits of their AI investments.
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Market Horizon: Smooth Sailing or Rough Waters?

Lonely boat sport sailing on the lake
Sep 16, 2024
In last month’s Investment Market Update we spoke about the market volatility seen in early August. Since then, global equity markets have broadly recovered, although worries remain over both the health of the US labour market going forward and the ability of the largest technology companies to deliver on the promised profits of their AI investments.
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Global Markets on Edge: Dissecting the Recent Selloff

Japanese Yen sign in a turbulent sky
Aug 09, 2024
August has started with some volatility in investment markets with a number of causes and effects which we will go into in this update. As always, we stress that the recent activity reinforces the need for a portfolio that is diversified and that risk portfolios should be viewed as long term to reduce the impact of volatility.
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Election Season – Is a shift to the left right for markets?

UK flag and French flag
Jul 17, 2024
In last month’s update we touched upon the French and British general elections, however at the time of writing the UK election hadn’t yet taken place and the French election had only passed its first round. Now that both elections have concluded we can take a deeper dive into market reactions.
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Ups, Downs and Elections – it’s a summertime roller coaster for investors

roller coaster and bright sun
Jun 21, 2024
This month's Investment Market Update looks at how markets have developed since last month’s update, reiterating the benefits of portfolio diversification. The drivers of the top 3 performing major equity indices are looked at in more detail and we discuss the recent and upcoming elections globally and the impact of these on markets.
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Diversify or die - the case for balanced investor portfolios

diversified portfolio label
May 21, 2024
In our Investment Market Update this month, we cover the following two themes: How April 2024 contrasted to Q1, leading to the benefits of diversification as well as the impact of the change in monetary policy expectations in April and how this drove returns.
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The investment crystal ball - What do we know so far?

Crystal ball and businessman with chart graphs
Apr 19, 2024
With the first quarter of the year already wrapped up (it feels like Christmas was yesterday!) we thought it would be worth recapping the high-level macroeconomic picture and summarising the notable movements in markets through the quarter.
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